3rd Sunday of Lent – Exodus 20:1-3,7-8,12-17; 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25
Jesus knows my heart. He knows what I hide within it. All my longings and hidden desires are known to Him. And He calls to me today: “Do not turn your Father’s house into a marketplace!”
Don’t treat prayer and meeting with God as a time to arrange this or that with the Father. Silence your thoughts, give Me your fears and anxieties. You won’t accomplish anything with more prayers and more time spent in church if you don’t consent to the cross in your life.
Your prayers will not be answered if you are outraged at the fact that I throw out from your life everything that distances you from Me – that which is not love and does not lead to love.
If the cross is a stumbling block or foolishness to you, you will not experience God’s love. If you don’t experience it, you will live here on earth, deprived of God’s power and wisdom.
Trust Me! I can really rebuild in three days what you built for many years, and what is destroyed by time, sin and death. What I rebuild remains forever, transformed, divinized.