Monday of Week 30 – Rom 8:12-17; Psalm 67:2,4,6-7,20-21; Luke 13:10-17

The spirit you received is not the spirit of slaves […] it is the spirit of sons. You are sons. Do not be afraid, call out to the Father! Imitate Christ in His calling.

Abba, Father, these words came from the mouth of Jesus in Gethsemane. Just before seizure, suffering and death. He cried out to the One who could save Him from death and was answered.

Do not be afraid. Straighten yourself up, you have been healed. You don’t have to be afraid – not even of death. Christ was saved from it. He is risen. Death has no power over him anymore.

Death has no power over us either. The corporeal one: we will be resurrected – and the spiritual one: as long as we live, we have a chance to return. For neither death nor life will be able to separate us from the Love of God revealed in Christ Jesus.