Saturday of Week 33 – Apoc 11:4-12; Ps 143:1-2,9-11; Luke 20:27-40

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A Christian cannot be like the rest of the world. He must give it a different flavour.

Once again we listening to the Apocalypse. This time the prophecy about two witnesses. Who are they? It is. . . the Church. But since one witness is unreliable, here we are talking about two. Besides, the Church has millions, even billions of followers. . . This Church preaching the Gospel of Christ is inconvenient for the world. However, until it fulfils its mission, nothing bad will happen to it. Only when God allows it do its opponents rush to destroy it. And they are happy that they managed to kill the Christians. Or at least wear them down. But it will be short-lived. God will give them back life. And show their enemies that they are His people. . . .

It is always the same, isn’t it? In the history of Christianity. Always inconvenient, because of Christ. And the more Christ-like, the more inconvenient. Because the world only tolerates lukewarm Christians. . . Are the enemies of the cross winning? In short. It will soon turn out that His people have learned the truth and have spoken the truth. Only the world, bewildered by the Adversary, does not allow such a thought to enter its mind. . .

 One must only remain faithful. And faithfully be a witness to Jesus Christ. That is enough.