Thursday of Week 5 – Genesis 2:18-25; Mark 7:24-30
Indeed, thus shall be blessed the man who fears the Lord. (Ps 128:4).
She was ritually and legally unclean. She courageously pleaded, literally begging for help. And although the response of Jesus seemed contemptuous, she understood it, which is evident in her targeted riposte flowing from her great humility and faith. Origin or nationality don’t make anyone unclean before God. Jesus avoids no one. Anyone who opens themselves to His love and trusts Him will know mercy.
Do I know, like this woman, how to trust God? Unfortunately, my overconfidence that I deserve help often closes me off to His love. I don’t manage to stand before Him like a beggar and to ask, because in the background I continue to be convinced I deserve His support. And, when adversities arise and things happen against my will, I am resentful and rebel. In order to trust God, you have to feel yourself to be totally helpless, to humble oneself before Him, like a beggar, like the Syrophoenician woman.
“Submission” is offensive to many people. But let’s not confuse submission to people with submission to God.
She replied “but the house-dogs under the table can eat the children’s scraps (Mk 7:28).