Thursday of the Easter Octave – Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8:2,5-9; Luke 24:35-48
Grounded on trust in others? It’s difficult. Trust your own senses? Sometimes things can be hallucinated. But when the vision repeats itself, when so many people see it at once, when the “apparition” allows itself to be touched and then eats in front of everyone. . . No, then you don’t even have to pinch yourself. . .
It is hardly surprising that even death was not scary for those who witnessed such things. Because if it has been defeated, can anyone terrify a believer with anything?
I have not seen. But I have experienced God’s grace many times. I should be sure by now too. Why do I act like I don’t fully trust in times of trial? Why is my hope only great in words?
I know how the average-educated Apostles knew the Scripture so well. It was You who enlightened them so that they could understand them. I know where their courage comes from. They saw You risen. But above all, I know where they got their peace from. From those meetings with You. When You were victorious, having defeated death, You wanted to meet them again. And to the enemies to whom You could show your power, You remained unnoticed. The peace of those moments somehow affects me too. After all, it’s good to know that one has such an ally in the everyday difficulties of life.