Thursday of Week 33 – 1 Macc 2:15-39; Gospel acclamation Ps 94:8; Luke 19:42-44
What to do? What should we do today, when the world around us is engulfed in internal fire, when human tragedy is clearly visible, when problems become unsolvable? What should we do today, when for so many people God’s law does not seem to fit the present day, does not seem to fit the circumstances of life, does not seem to take into account their deep desires? The answer is always the same, we will hear it today: “Harden not your hearts today, but listen to the voice of the Lord.”
To live in such a way as to correspond with the eternal God and the solutions which are effective and important not only for the present, but also for eternity. To live in such a way that the circumstances of our lives reflect our dignity as beloved children of God. Live in such a way as to take into account the deepest desires of Jesus’ heart.