Wednesday of Week 4 – 2 Sam 24:2,8-17; Mark 6:1-6
“A prophet is only despised in his own country, among his own relations and his own house.” Mark 6
Jesus did not miss out on worries and difficulties in His earthly life. Misunderstood and rejected, despite the great love He showed to everyone around Him. Even the people of Nazareth hurt Him with their disbelief. After all, they had known Him since childhood, they knew His Mother Mary, they knew Joseph and other relatives well, so they doubted Him. And for this reason, He could not perform any miracle there. Did He not reveal his power to them because they did not believe? Or did the healings He performed not be seen as miracles because they did not believe?
I am outraged at Jesus’ compatriots, but I am not much different from them. I have known Jesus since I was a child. I know a lot about Him, I have experienced a lot with Him. I try to maintain close contact every day and declare my devotion and love to Him. Yet there is not much progress in my spiritual life. Like the inhabitants of Nazareth, I doubt because I did not fully trust Jesus. With my distrust, I close myself off to Jesus, to His grace. Jesus cannot work any miracle in my life because I do not see it, I do not allow Him with my distrust. I close myself off to grace that could reveal God’s power in me.
Lord Jesus, increase my faith, so that I can see and accept the Father in You, so that I can see and understand the greatest of the miracles that You have performed – the salvation of the world. I want to become Your witness. Amen.