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Friday of Week 16 – Jer. 3:14-17; Matthew 13:18-23

To be the “rich soil” of Jesus’ parable, all I need to do is listen to the Word and understand it. There is no need for activism or any special action on my part, just an open heart and mind.

Contrary to appearances, it is not easy. It requires me to constantly turn away from the human, narrow understanding of what I hear and see in the Church and in the world.

I must allow the Lord to take me deeper and further into everything. It is not up to me to interpose myself, but He is to be the one who leads and directs. He does it directly through his Words, but also through other people.

Becoming “fertile soil” means allowing God to free me, for God to save me – because I can do nothing on my own, I can do nothing. Only when I acknowledge my complete dependence on the Father, when I accept my own powerlessness and helplessness with peace in my heart, without fight and rebellion, will the “fertilisation” and fruition begin.