Solemnity of Saint Andrew – Wis 3:1-9; Rom 10:9-18; Matthew 4:18-24

Saint Andrew, patron of Scotland and Christianity in the East
He was the first. And then he didn’t push himself forward but did his own thing.
The work of a fisherman is associated with dependence: on the elements, competence, and strength. And in providing food: wholesome, at the right time, to be used immediately. And being prepared to start work earlier than others.
Fishing for people: does it also require staying power? Working in the dark and putting up with the cold? Exposing yourself to whatever the next day may bring? Getting to know about yourself and the world – at your own cost?
The weight of the net, the closeness of God, and the fact that He has the right to decide about our near and eventual future. The hours spent under His command. Being there where He is.