Solemnity of Saint Joseph – 2 Sam 7:4-5,12-14,16; Rom 4:13,16-18,22; Luke 2:41-51
It measures time . . .
However, time flows differently for God
Today is the feast of Saint Joseph. In the readings – more peace, promise, joy than in the readings of Lent. I read about God’s promise to David. You will not build Me a house, a temple. I will build, I will take care of your house, your family. When you die, your descendant will appear, whose kingdom will be eternal. And who will be a Son for God … The promise would seem impossible to fulfill. And yet: in the distant descendant of David, and at the same time the Son of God, it was fulfilled. How much time must have passed? Around a thousand years… But God has not forgotten.
Looking at this world sometimes I wonder if God still remembers it. Do You still have control of what’s going on? Humanly speaking, everything seems to be out of His control. Well, that’s how it seems. And He’d be justified in giving up on us. But He remembers. He certainly hasn’t forgotten. And He leads mankind to the end on the day of judgment… After all, His Son has shown just how much He is prepared to sacrifice for us.