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Friday of Week 22 – 1 Cor 4:1-5; Luke 5:33-39

It makes the slightest difference to me whether you, or indeed any human tribunal, find me worthy or not. (1 Cor 4)

We are ” stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God,” says Saint Paul. Our task is to faithfully fulfil the duties entrusted to us, our commitments. The assessment of our work does not always reflect reality. False praise or unfair criticism can be misleading. We should not worry too much about human assessments. Paul emphasises that the final judgment belongs to God, who knows our hearts and motivations.

Often in life we ​​can feel judged by others – whether at work, at school, or even in the family. Paul points out that we should not focus on what others think of us, but on what God thinks of us. His assessment is fair and full of love. In everyday life, it is important to remember that what really counts is our faithfulness to God and our vocation.