Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows – 1 Cor 10:14-22; Luke 2:33-35 (or Heb 5:7-9; Stabat Mater; John 19:25-27)
It’s necessary to trust that suffering has meaning
Because God cannot tell us to suffer senselessly
Today – Our Lady of Sorrows. From the readings provided for today, I read the passage from the letter to the Hebrews. And I’m struck by a certain paradox.
During his life on earth, Christ offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears, to the one who had the power to save him out of death, and he submitted so humbly that his prayer was heard.
Christ, during His life on earth, with cries and weeping, sent up requests and pleas to the One who could save Him from death and was heard through His submission.
The night before His passion, in the garden, His bloody sweat. And His prayer, that if possible this cup be avoided, is suffering. Was it heard? Yes, it was heard. Because after uttering this request He also said that, not His, but the Father’s will be done. And, in fact, it was fulfilled: His Son did not stop being faithful to Him even in the face of a painful death.
We ask God for a lot. And that’s good. After all, He is our good Father and doesn’t want any evil for us. But when asking for this or that it is always good to add at the end: “not my, but may Your will be done”. This is not giving up the belief that God can help. It is a recognition that in everything He knows best.
Lord, give me the courage to be able to accept with love what is inescapable and difficult . . .