2nd Sunday of Lent – Genesis 22:1-2,9-13,15-18; Ps 116; Romans 8:31-35; Mark 9:2-10
Dozens of TV channels on various themes, streaming services, social media accounts, lists of new things, favourite sites . . . Specialists are outdoing each other in methods of attracting attention, marketers are bending over backwards to keep us for another ten seconds, images are scrolling before our eyes at an almost astronomical speed.
Thousands of arguments. Because everyone has their own truth. Only . . . What was true today turns out to be a crass deception tomorrow, a brilliant rejuvenation remedy, the cause of cancer, promising a better future, yet another way of preying on human naivety . . .
Who to listen to? The heart? This swirl of fears, anxieties, worries, dark thoughts, putting away everything I want to hide from the world? Transient experts? Buying followers with influencer likes?
God has only one answer: HIM . . . With Him you will find the words of life. As imperishable as grass. They do not wear out with the passing of fashion. It doesn’t matter that you don’t understand, that it’s too difficult, that next answer forces you to ask a new question. Him – the jar of flour will not run out. The word will not pass away. With Him you will remain forever.