Feast of Saints Simon and Jude – Eph 2:19-22; Psalm 18:2-5; Luke 6:12-16
I am not a stranger for God and the saints.
I am a part of the household.
Today we read Paul, who writes to the Ephesians:
You are citizens like all the saints, and part of God’s household. You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundations, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone.
This is also about me. In the Church, and someday in heaven, I am not and will not be a stranger or a sojourner. I am a member of God’s household. I belong to the community of saints (although for now I am still learning about holiness). For God I have a name. The saints know me. When I stand before Him and them in prayer, their faces don’t look surprised, as if they saw a stranger. Rather, they smile. Because after all, a person smiles at the sight of a beloved acquaintance, right?
I am not a stranger for God and the saints. I am a part of the household.