Solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of BVM – 2 Sam 7:4-5,12-14,16; Rom 4:13,16-18,22; Luke 2:41-51
Finding Jesus does not mean finding all the answers. Sometimes it’s the other way around. We receive the answer, but we do not understand it. This is what happened after three days of searching for the Lost One. This was also the case when the Living One was found on the third day. Three days here and there. Here and there with heartache. Maybe it’s impossible to seek and find Him except with a heavy heart?
Mary and Joseph hear about the need to be present in the Father’s affairs. “They did not understand what he meant.” He explains the Scriptures to the disciples on their way to Emmaus, but their eyes are closed. They don’t see or understand. Because it’s not about understanding. Justification does not depend on understanding. It depends on faith. And love does not depend on understanding. Understanding depends on love.
I’m looking for God. That is, I am ready to believe without understanding and to love without understanding. I will understand when I believe and love. And I will stop being afraid when I believe and love. The believing and loving Joseph tells me this without saying a single word. Caught off guard in the middle of a night of hesitations and doubts.