Wednesday of Week 4 – Hebrews 12:4-7,11-15; Mark 6:1-6
Doubt and a lack of faith hurt worst when it flows from your own, those closest. Today the Heart of Jesus experienced such pain. Jesus is not accepted in Nazareth in a proper way. “After all, he is from among us, he has no right to teach us”. It’s hard to be a witness and prophet among your own. Sometimes a believer is exposed to mockery and misunderstanding not only in his neighbourhood, in his place of work, but even in his own family. In the modern world, it is also hard to be a witness to Christ’s gospel; however, there is no lack of those who proclaim His word. The truth is always victorious. And those who want to evangelise will themselves be blessed by God. He is their strength.
Jesus, give me the strength so that I would be Your brave and authentic witness among my own people. May I never doubt Your help.