Wednesday of Week 3 – 2 Sam 7:4-17; Mark 4:1-20
The seed is the word of God, Christ the sower, whoever finds this seed will remain for ever.
In the life of the Church there is an important reference to the word of God, which is not limited only to the book, but is always living, concrete and tangible. The Word is dynamic because it shows the active growth and development of the kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world. The Divine Sower sows the seeds of the Good News abundantly. These are the best quality seeds.
The problem of growth and development depends on the soil in which the seed is sown. This is where the difference between the hearers of the word begins. Just listening and seeing with your eyes is not enough. A heart is needed to accept the Gospel truth. It’s not only about sentiments and preferences, but also about a specific decision. And related to it are steps that follow, which consist in eliminating obstacles presented by the world that cause difficulties in accepting the message of the Gospel.
If we want to discover the truth about God, the world, and ourselves – we have another chance to renew our decision to deepen our friendship with the word of the Lord, which has the power to save us.
For Christ’s word not only liberates us from the burdens we bear, past and present; it also makes us mature in truth and in charity. It enlivens the heart, challenges it, purifies it from hypocrisy and fills it with hope. (Francis, Homily, 21.1.24)