24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Ex 32,7-11.13-14; 1 Tim 1,12-17; Luke 15,1-32
In the images of the good shepherd and the found drachma, Jesus fills us with hope. When I am aware of my sinfulness, the image of Jesus seeking me, taking me into His arms and hugging me to Him, is very close to me. There is a release of peace and certainty that He loves me. He wants my transformation because He cares for me. Despite such good experiences, I am stubbornly stuck in weaknesses and in the usual patterns of bad habits. And yet it would be enough to show repentance and in finally accept the decision to change so as to experience mercy.
Why are earthly matters, pleasures, material goods still closer to me than the One who loves without limit? Maybe too often I feel as one of the “ninety-nine” sheep? Do I lose vigilance because it only seems that I am close to God?