A teapot pouring water into two cups Description automatically generated

Tuesday of Week 21 – 2 Thes 2:1-3,14-17; Ps 95:10-13; Matthew 23:23-26

And when the cup is already cleansed, it can’t be left empty. Because sooner or later it will become dirty again. The interior must be filled with noble content.

The inimitable Saint Paul suggests: the living word, a healthy tradition, sure hope, beautiful speech. Above all, the grace of Jesus Christ in which the love of God was revealed.

Love and do what you want – said the son of today’s patron. The second part of that sentence arouses many concerns. Calm down. Nothing slops out of a cup filled with noble content.

Merciful and just Lord, may Your word guide and instruct me, that I may know how to discern justly, show mercy, and believe so that my cup always be filled with Your grace. Amen.