Feast of Saint John, evangelist – 1 John1:1-4; John 20:2-8
We are still in the joy of Christmas, and the Liturgy of the Word directs our attention to the empty tomb. Jesus came to earth as a Man to defeat death, to open heaven and thus give us a chance to participate in salvation. There would be no such beautiful, family festivities if Jesus had not become a Man. There would be nothing more important than holidays – the sacraments, which enable us to unite with Him here on earth, despite our sins. There would be no possibility of meeting Him someday in heaven.
Focusing on the pleasant atmosphere of the festival, caring only about their external appearance, we often lose what is most important in them. We won’t fully enjoy Christmas if we don’t understand what it means to us. Jesus came to us to give us salvation. This truth should be the source of joy. Too often, however, we seek it in completely different matters. Thanks to His coming, we can live in hope for eternal joy. We can draw from the sacraments, which would not have existed if Jesus had not been born, died and resurrected. It is thanks to the Eucharist that He is born anew every day on the altar and during Holy Communion in my heart. How do I use this gift? Did I stop for a moment during the holidays to consider this truth? Did I show gratitude to Jesus for His coming, for leaving Himself for us? How did I experience these celebrations? Where did I seek joy?