Saturday of Week 7 – James 5:13-20; Psalm 140:1-3,8; Mark 10:13-16
It is true to say that a child doesn’t understand. Especially the greatest mysteries of faith. But not only that. A child also doesn’t understand how the smartphone works and the flow of electromagnetic waves. But is able to use this device better than adults. Anyway. . . If you ask the latter about their understanding of Jesus’ presence in the form of Bread and Wine, it may turn out that they don’t understand much other than the basics.
Therefore, the world of adults does not differ from the world of children – at least in matters of faith – in understanding. The former, carrying with them a baggage of disappointments, wounds, fears, and losses in life, become less trusting, more cautious in establishing new relationships and deepening old ones, and more distant. The child does not have these experiences yet, so it is easier for the child to trust.
To accept the Kingdom of God like a child, you need to be free from the paralysing looking into the past, to heal your wounds, to come to terms with defeat, and, above all, to believe in faith that the heart’s trust is not the fruit of life’s successes, but the work of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.