Thursday of Week 34 – Apoc 18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9; Ps 100:2-5; Luke 21:20-28
Thursday of Week 34 – Apoc 18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9; Ps 100:2-5; Luke 21:20-28
“Write this: Happy are those who are invited to the wedding of the Lamb”.
What is the attitude that every Christian should have toward eternity? The promise of Jesus – the Son of God, that in the house of the Father there are many rooms, should release unbridled joy. After all, the merciful God is waiting for us with longing. Does the prospect of eternal happiness arouse longing is us? If not, it means that we are not living for God but are focussing too much on worldliness. Yet it is our choices and decisions as to whether we live in faith and love that determine our life after death.
Do we long for the complete happiness of the saved in heaven? Do we live in this truth every day? The texts of the Liturgy of the Word in the final days of the liturgical year bring to mind death and eternal life, and also visions about the end of the world. What would we stand with before God if that end arrived today? Would it be fear, because we are still not ready? Or maybe regret that we have to abandon all that we have gained so meticulously during earthly life – friends, family, popularity, human appreciation, material goods? To where are we really headed?
Lord Jesus Christ, You want to save me. Never let anything in this world separate me from You. You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.