Friday of Week 32 – 2 John 1:4-9; Ps 118:1-2,10-11,17-18; Luke 17:26-37

St. Martin of Tours, who for posterity became an “icon of love of neighbour” (Benedict XVI). He was a Christian who, at a decisive moment in his life, went “to the periphery”, becoming an apostle of the French countryside. He is a symbol of peace, efforts for greater solidarity, and more attention to marginalized groups: beggars, people who are excluded and those who refuse to fight.

Living in love also relates to our homeland. Pope Francis encouraged the Poles as war rages on its borders: “It is worth getting to know the history of your homeland to see the traces of God’s presence in it.” (General audience 19/10/2022). It is worth referring this to our own national riches, incl. works of culture that are an invaluable treasure. This treasure, along with people devoted to love for the Homeland, constitutes our memory and identity, especially as we remember Armistice Day today, and the life we have today because of the sacrifices of others.

Without love, there is no peace, harmony, care, kindness and joy among people. It is the foundation of all the good that man is capable of. Love awakens in our hearts the hope of constantly discovering the traces of God in our difficult everyday life.

Jesus, among the many events and people around me, I want to know Your presence through them.