Second Saturday of Easter – Acts 6:1-7; John 6:15-21
. . . they saw Jesus walking on the lake and coming toward the boat (John 6:19).

On Lake of Gennesaret
Some people like to brag about their achievements, mainly to arouse someone’s admiration, interest, and to “shine” in their company. Sometimes this boasting is nothing more than a colouring of reality. Effect? Poor in the long run.
Looking at the biblical reality of the New Testament, we see Jesus at the centre. His mission in life is to implement the Father’s plan – all signs, miracles, meetings with people, and teachings clearly point in this direction. Jesus’ “being for others” is nothing spectacular – it is always about a deeper goal, pointing to the value of trust in God’s power.
Jesus is the living God, close to man. He takes on human weaknesses to show that He loved us to the end. He controls the forces of nature, which can be ruthless and destructive to man. As the Conqueror, Jesus wins, and we can overcome in Him and with Him our fears, darkness, helplessness and spiritual distress.
Oh, if only we could entrust ourselves to God, if we had the faith that we are loved by Him; if we had the conviction that what is happening, in what the Lord is ordering and allowing . . . The Lord is always keen and willing in His wisdom, in the infinite wisdom of our God and in His love, in the infinite love of our God! (Agenda Paolina 2024, April 13).