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Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross – Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:13-17

Keywords: “the people lost patience”. Oh, how many scenarios can be recalled here! How many twists of fate, justified or unjustified habits, how much anxiety multiplied by the lack of trust!

When we are shown the cross in moments of difficulty, suffering – is it a sign of hope for us or an even greater trial? Maybe both? This hope is not immaterial, unreal. It takes root in what is necessary for life: Heavenly Food, invisible grace, God’s presence.

We are beside the cross of Jesus, beside the cross of various people, but we are also on the cross, touching it as directly as possible. God, grant us then the grace of faithful service to You.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gift of redemption. For the hope You pour into my heart, that for me too there is a place in the Father’s house thanks to Your exaltation on the cross. I thank You for the love of Your divine Heart that does not condemn but heals. Amen.