Week 17 Wednesday – Jer 15:10,16-21; Ps 58; Matthew 13:44-46
Sometimes faithfulness to God costs us a lot. We have to take a risk. Go further than we would like.
Sometimes God’s word says something we don’t want to hear. It arouses resistance in us, it seems to miss the mark. To miss our aims.
The complaint of Jeremiah – the prophet whom God ordered to curse his own countrymen – echoes back to us. We can almost feel his despair, anger, disappointment. . . And suddenly, unexpectedly, we clearly know: even in our defeat God did not give up, did not abandon us in our powerlessness, sense of rejection, shame. We can fulfil His mission here too: in the entanglement of our own life, on a winding path, groaning.
Jesus speaks to us as to friends, chosen ones. And we have to go further. Say everything. Verify the aim.