Monday of Week 3 – 2 Sam 5:1-7,10; Ps 88:20-22,25-26; Mark 3:22-30
Not necessarily Beelzebub. It can be a charlatan seeking his own glory, a mason, a conspirator, crypto. . ., pseudo. . ., lobby. . .. Human intelligence, colliding with mystery, can sometimes be creative “in reverse”. Not understanding, envying, tunnel vision, most often hiding smallness behind a mask of criticism, malice, and sometimes concern for the purity of faith.
Meanwhile, God seemed to be mocking the thousands of words, allegations and accusations being spoken. With tongue in cheek, He told Moses to bring water out of the rock, ran after Gideon breaking jugs, sent a young boy with a slingshot, and finally took the form of a Servant healing in the towns and villages of Galilee.
And even if the heavens are opened, those who love conspiracy theories will always be opposed to it. But for the meek, humble, small, pure in heart, one thing is enough: He went about doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.
Let this be enough for us too.