A statue of person on the cross Description automatically generated

Wednesday of Week 19 – Ez 9:1-7,10:18-22; Matthew 18:15-20

Today it is hardly legible, but supposedly in the old Hebrew alphabet the letter tav had the shape of a cross. In Ezekiel’s vision, those marked with it were saved. We don’t always know what, in any time, the Old Testament visions refer to. When they refer to specific, historical events, they are sometimes a foreshadowing of the end times. But is it intuitive that the cross saves from God’s retribution? A hope for all believers.

However, there is something significant in this vision. It is not people themselves, but a man dressed in white and with an ink horn at his side who draws this sign on their foreheads. And he draws it for those who “deplore and disapprove of all the filth practised”.

Faith is saying “yes” to God. But not only with the intellect. Above all, with the whole self. Therefore, “faith without works is dead”. It means little. Unless the sinner cries out to Christ with all his might for rescue. In His wounds there is healing even for the worst. . .