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Week 25 Thursday – Eccl. 1:2-11; Ps 89:3-6,12-14,17; Luke 9:7-9

We read that when Herod “heard all about that was being done by Jesus . . . he was puzzled . . . and was anxious to see Jesus.” We too want to. Want to see what God has to offer us. We want to see what God has prepared for us. Something like a promotional leaflet in the supermarket: we look through it and decide. After all that’s what it’s about – making a conscious choice, isn’t it?

Except that this is not possible. The aim of our “wanting to see, meet, touch” God somehow changes. Because we have to decide at the point of entry, to go for the full package – in everything that’s given, in everything that’s done, in everything that’s demanded. There is no test drive here, no promotional price, return within 30 days: no such things – everything is for real, for life and death, no return.

God says: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Here’s where we enter.

We ask You, Heavenly Father, to form in us the likeness of your Son and deepen His truth and life within us that we may follow His way. Increase our trust to be able to enter completely into Your will, right now.