Thursday of Week 4 – 1 Kings 2:1-4,10-12; Mark 6:7-13
Sending the disciples out – to preach the Gospel and to take nothing with them – seems to indicate that those being sent out already have what is most important. The grace of Jesus, in whose name they teach, meets the needs of those to whom they are sent, but also their own needs. Looking at the presence of Christians in the world, we can say that it is similar today. The most important deposit is placed in our hands. It’s not that everything else will somehow work out – but that by serving God, we are on the right track for the rest to work out in God’s way.
David could have given Solomon a thousand practical pieces of advice when he was dying. He talks about one, the most important thing: to be faithful to God, and all the great promises will come true.
Lord Jesus, You know how afraid I am to walk on Your road without the security offered by this world. You also know that I do want to be more than a decent person. Give me a walking staff that I may also have a defence against the spirit of fear as I travel. You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.