Friday of Week 24 – 1 Tim 6:2-12; Ps 48:6-10,17-20; Luke 8:1-3
This letter of Paul to Timothy is incredible. Today we hear in it: “We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it; but as long as we have food and clothing, let us be content with that.” And then a caution against greed . . .
How many times have we heard people express dissatisfaction with their state of life? “Look at him, he’s loaded. I can only dream of such wealth.” But why dream? I eat, drink, have shelter and even a little more above that. Why do I need more? Why torment myself with what I don’t have, why become embittered with envy? . . .
Thank you, Jesus, for what I have. For all the treasures, which You have given me. For the people who surround me, for the place that I am, and for never having suffered privation. Thank you.
For those infatuated by and chasing after wealth . . . Please, Lord, open their eyes . . .