Advent Sunday – Is 1:2-5; Ps 121:1-2,4-9; Rm 13:11-14; Matthew 24:29-44
Beginning another Advent in our lives, we should realise that today we are in a world of confused spirituality and the manipulation of information in social media and the era of fake news. This is why in taking life decisions it is important we should have a clear point of reference which is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord does not stop calling us to conversion and penance, so as to build up in this world new areas of the kingdom of God.
On the first Sunday of Advent, we hear a short, simple and clear call: “stay awake”. The model and guide for us on the road of Advent yearning is Mary, who is “waiting for the action of God”. She is watchful and waits for God. In this way she enlivens our hearts’ longing for holiness, because she desires that we entrust ourselves totally to God. Looking on the example of Mary we want spiritual awakening, so that we are more vigilant when looking at the world and give up its superficiality. Advent is a time of paying attention to the signs of God’s presence in the world. And our answer given in prayer to God and being fed with bread from heaven should find its place reflected in our everyday life.
Can I listen to what God says before I fall into the whirlwind of my thoughts for Christmas and making life better? Can I reflect on His action being the purpose of my preparation?