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Week 33 Thursday – Apoc 5:1-10; Ps 149:1-6.9; Luke 19:41-44

“As Jesus drew near Jerusalem and came in sight of the city he shed tears over it” Luke 19:41

How easy it is for me to justify my evil, especially when I consider it’s small and imperceptible. I explain it by the greater evil of others or its harmlessness towards my neighbour. And yet, with every sin, infidelity, I hurt myself, others, and God himself. The consequences of sins are not always felt and noticed, which does not mean that they do not exist. My weaknesses do not remain without influence on my life and the lives of others. The Lord God may sometimes allow me to see the effects of my evil in my life or in the life of others. However, it is difficult for me to see how much I hurt God himself with my sinfulness. I rarely look at sin in this way.

Only Saint Luke mentions Jesus’ weeping over Jerusalem. In this way, he shows Jesus who wants to participate in all human affairs, and here in the fate of the city and homeland that did not accept God’s call. He shows God who suffers because of man’s sin. Every infidelity of mine is a rejection of God’s call. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s in a big or small matter. Jesus calls me to follow His path. He wants to participate in my everyday life. Unfortunately, I forget about Him too often, about His presence. That’s why I have so little sensitivity to sin, so little repentance and desire for change. God suffers when I sin, and I forget that I hurt Him with every infidelity of mine.

You are worthy (…) because you were sacrificed, and with your blood you bought men for God” Rev 5:9a