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Advent, 18 December – Jeremiah 23:5-8; Matthew 1:18-25

What was it like with the birth of the Lord Jesus? If we tried to tell that story differently than the evangelist Matthew did, we would have to say that He almost became the cause of his parents’ divorce.

Because what was His mother’s husband, Saint Joseph, supposed to think when he realised that the woman he had married, before they even moved in together, had become pregnant? Even if he believed Mary that she had conceived from the Holy Spirit, what was he supposed to do in this situation? Live under the same roof with a woman who would give birth to the Son of God? He intended – according to the law – to put her away. That is, to divorce her. It was only during a dream that the Angel instructed him: do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife, to yourself. The situation did not become easier because of this. But at least Joseph knew what to do.

I know these dilemmas a little. The choice is simple when it comes to good or evil. It gets complicated when everyone seems good, and there are such “trifles” at stake as faith in one’s own abilities, awareness of one’s sinfulness, the reaction of the environment, and a few others. Then it is easier to choose to remain hidden than to stand in the spotlight. But won’t God say that I am wasting my calling and talents?

I don’t delude myself that God will then send me his Angel in a dream to instruct me. But… Sometimes this Angel will be another person, sometimes some coincidence. Such Angels are to push in the right direction…