Monday of Week 12 – Gen 12:1-9; Matthew 7:1-5

God will place the same weights on the scales that I put.
Jesus today warns us against the dangers of judging others. It is difficult for us to avoid it and to a greater or lesser extent; it is present in our lives. However, what is impossible for us, is not impossible for God. What is important is that we take the decision to leave judgement and the imposition of justice to God. Only He sees the human heart. We are blind, often struggling with problems much greater than those whom it is easier to judge. Let’s allow God to begin the process of healing in us. It is this that we need. The fight against the injustice of the world guided by our own strength is like tilting at windmills. We pray for the expansion of the Kingdom of God, leaving judgement to God, for whom justice and mercy are the same. Our justice is so often marked with the stigma of revenge.
Lord Jesus, I know that no one can effectively correct others unless they are a good example. Therefore, I am asking you for the grace of true sanctification of my private, work and social life. Amen.