12th Sunday, Year A – Jer 20:10-13; Rom 5:12-15; Matthew 10:26-33
What do all the saints have in common? A halo.
There are circles in which being a believer is nothing unusual. But there are also those in which it is difficult to admit to believing in Jesus. Because of astonishment, laughter, reluctance and ostracism. Or even severe harassment. However, there’s nothing to think about here. The calculation is straightforward: better to lose a little in this life, than to lose eternity.
And to admit to Jesus . . . . this isn’t just to say you believe in God. It’s also to be guided in life by Christ’s instructions especially when the world tempts you to do something else. Financial dishonesty, marital infidelity, deception . . . It would be simpler, more pleasant, more effective. But what will the world then think of who we call our Teacher? That He can be ignored, because He doesn’t even mean anything to us . . . .
I believe in you, Jesus Christ. Give me the courage to always be worthy of being called Your disciple.