Monday of Week 14 – Hosea 2:16,17b-18,21-22; Ps 144:2-9; Matthew 9:18-26

He knows best. He always knows best. If we were to say this about anyone, I fear it would be said to some degree tongue in cheek. Because remarks that hit the nail on the head, the revealing of an opinion about complex phenomena, even knowledge presented regardless of the circumstances – manage to be irritating . . .

However, God doesn’t tell us the truth so as to upset us. He doesn’t tell us about Himself and the world just so as to prove His superiority. He doesn’t lure us – as the prophet Hosea calls it – in order to achieve something at our expense. Yes, He is greater than us and it’s down to us to give everything – yet, this greatness does not humiliate but heals, does not destroy but justifies. And He first gave everything himself.

Those who mocked Jesus in the house of Jairus could see with their own eyes: He knows best. Therefore, there is hope for us: convinced that we know this world well, it’s laws, and even suffering for twelve years.

Lord, You love each of us individually with a unique and personal love. Touch our lives with Your saving power, heal and restore us to fullness of life. Help us, like the synagogue official, to have hope in You who can heal and restore life.