Thursday of Week 29 – Rom 6:12-18; Psalm 1:1-4,6; Luke 12:39-48
Happy indeed is the man [whose] delight is in the law of the Lord and who ponders his law day and night.
The most important writings
It seems that the human imagination is incredibly creative. However, without God’s light, it stops only at the external shapes of things. Meditation on the word of God helps us understand God, the world and ourselves. For many people it’s a waste of time, but not for the disciples of Jesus, because they understand that the reviving word leads to happiness. Therefore, it is not a human whim, but a saving necessity.
The Word of God determines our being or not being. Constant meditation on God’s words helps us mature in our humanity, following the example of the humanity of the Son of God. The ideas contained in the Holy Scripture are a perfect guide through the meanders of complicated everyday life, which leads us along the right paths and allows us to avoid dangerous traps that conceal themselves under the appearance of good and truth. Finally, meditating and reflecting on the word should translate into life: making specific decisions, plans and choices in accordance with the will of the Supreme, which we are to discover, assimilate and fulfil.