Wednesday of Week 11 – 2 Kings 2:1,6-14; Ps 31; Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

To believe that what happened to men of God can happen to us. To trust that we are loved as much as the best of the best. That we share in the same faith. Elisha, who calls out to Elijah’s God and strikes the waters with his cloak to divide them – this is what he discovers.

Matters of faith are not always played out in plain sight. There seems to be some intimacy, some mystery, some hiddenness in them, which Jesus alludes to. Oh, if only we knew what depth there is in those we pass on the street and meet in our homes! We are nourished by their presence, their work, the light they draw from God. We, the companions of Elisha, cry out in the same way – if only a double share of your spirit would rest on me. . .