29th Sunday – Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5,18-20; Heb 4:14-16; Mark 10:35-45
Wanting great things does not seem to be a bad thing, to recognise yourself as someone capable of good, noble deeds – as well. The problem is that our imagination does not reach that far – to where truly great things happen, where nobility takes on a concrete form. That is why we waste away, we pine away with longing for something greater than ourselves, we do not understand our fate or our calling.
To gaze upon His shining face: God sacrificed, pierced, and put to the test. To really see it, to know it, to experience it. To understand how it is, and what He cares about.
And only then: to want great things, to recognise yourself as someone capable of good, noble deeds.