A close-up of a wrist watch Description automatically generated

Wednesday of Week 20 – Ez 34:1-11; Psalm 22:1-6; Matthew 20:1-16

I haven’t got the time. Why mess around. I’m not bothered about someone else’s life. Everybody’s the architect of their own fate. This exceeds my strength and capabilities. This can be said by anyone. Priest, parent, teacher, higher or basic educated, more or less spiritual. Not noticing the fine line has been crossed between pasturing the sheep and pasturing themselves.

And then amazement. That God spoke up for His poor. That He straightened the broken reed. That He added oil to the barely burning lamp. That the worker of the last hour was paid the equivalent of a day’s pay.

And so, the greater sin is not a lack of commitment. The greater sin is a critical outlook on the One who is good.

Jesus, thank You for Your goodness. I am sorry that I have not always appreciated it. Help me to be pleased to see it in others and myself also.

A close-up of a wrist watch

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