Monday of Week 29 – Rom 4:20-25; Luke 1:68-75; Luke 12:13-21
Why did Jesus not want to settle a dispute in response to a request to over the division of property? Why did He warn against greed? Was the brother, deprived of wealth and seeking only justice, or greedy?
Jesus did not come to judge. Even one who acts unfairly and badly towards his brother. Jesus came to teach every person what it means to love.
This is a difficult lesson, because in the light of it, sometimes the desire for human justice and retribution for injustice leads me and nations to becoming rapidly impoverished in love and wrapped up in the evil of hatred. When I demand justice, when I want to get what is rightfully mine, then I turn away from my brother, and then I start collecting treasures for myself. Because before God you can only be rich in love.
It’s difficult. God asks me to go beyond myself; it demands trust like Abraham’s faith – that no renunciation of something I would like to have will be in vain – if I do it out of love for God and my brother.