Week 19 Friday – Ezekiel 16:1-15,60,63; Is 12; Matthew 19:3-12
I do not know if we really believe in human conversion, and the possibility of renewal … Unrealised promises, broken relationships, rejection of God’s laws, hearts broken by evil – and God who pities man, doesn’t despise man, sees good in him, which others cannot see. Does this sound like reality to us? Or aren’t we saying, “People don’t really change”?
God is the Saviour, the Redeemer – and we have to be delivered from sin, and darkness. Is this evil real for us? Do we know how to see them as a real threat to us, something that kills us? We’re afraid of illness, job loss, income, inflation, energy prices, war and . . . But are we afraid of sin that will distract us from God, from the Source of life?
Lord Jesus, increase my faith in Your mercy and the promises You have made, and strengthen me in the spiritual struggle against evil. You live and reign for ever and ever.