Easter Monday – Acts 2:14,22-32; Ps 16; Matthew 28:8-15
Seeing an empty tomb is not enough. This may have given hope, but not yet certainty. That’s why they saw Him. Up close, face to face. What’s more, they talked to Him and embraced His feet . . .
This moment must have been a light in the days of mockery and persecution that they probably faced as faithful disciples of Jesus and witnesses of His resurrection. Maybe sometimes they wondered if they hadn’t imagined it all. Especially when the bribed guards were silent and others, not knowing the facts, spread rumours that someone had only stolen His body. But they saw it. They had heard it. They spoke to Him. The astonishing fact remained in their memory that they could also see by touch that He was really alive.
I did not see. I didn’t hear or touch it. But I believe. Why shouldn’t I believe people – those women, the Apostles, other disciples of Jesus – who decided to die for what they saw and heard? And I’m glad.
Many times, I have experienced God almost tangibly. No, not in mystical experiences. It was everyday matters, when I felt His grace. When He poured comfort into my heart, He saved me from oppression. It could all have seemed like it to me. But thanks to the testimony of those people, I know that it was not a lie.
So – seriously – I will also be resurrected? It may be unimaginable, but still . . .
I have not seen You, Lord, nor have I touched You. And yet I believe. You are the answer to my worst fears. Before the void after death. Thank You that when You rose from the dead, You left not only an empty tomb, but also people who saw, heard and touched You. It is thanks to them that I also have hope in my heart. Thank you that my life will never end . . .