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Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Gen 3:9-15,20; Ps 97:1-4; Eph 1:3-6,11-12; Luke 1:26-3

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women” (cf. Luke 1:28).

A special guide on the Advent path of faith for us is Mary, the most powerful Advocate, Mediatrix and Comforter, but above all our Mother. It is she who reminds us that Jesus needs our helplessness, our weakness. He wants us to want to count on Him and place all our hope in Him. Mary is a model of faith, reflection on the Word of God and prayer of the heart. Her humble “fiat” (“let it be done to me”) changed the course of history so far.

My Advent is a time of joyful expectation and preparation for the meeting with the “Son of the Most High”. Mary is present on this path. Like the Dawn, she announces to the earth the approaching tiny Love. Thanks to this, my eyes are not fixed on my own image, and my heart reaches out with love to the world around me. I am to live and act “for the glory of His majesty”, to notice miracles, to avoid “fruit from the forbidden tree” and fear of God.

Thank You, Immaculate Virgin, that you intercede for me before God. Help me with your maternal care to fruitfully experience this Advent.