Signs of Faith

Signs sometimes they say more than words. They speak silently.

Words, words, words … Lots of words around us, right? Also on the website 🙂 Whereas, in reality interaction and communication are not only in words. It is the exclamations, allusions, context, tone of speech; it’s the whole body language: gestures, facial expressions or the blink of an eye. It’s also the whole context of the facts that either confirm or deny the words. Despite the appearance of terrible complexity, we usually find our way through this thicket. And we’re aware that stopping at the level of words greatly reduces the effectiveness of interaction and communication.

There is a temptation among believers to reduce the reality of faith to words. It is emphasized that God himself spoke to man through words and the word (through what we today call Holy Scripture and through His Son, Jesus Christ). It’s just that these words are not just a verbal instruction, but also a story about deeds. The deeds of God, the deeds of His Son, Jesus Christ. Also, in proclaiming the Good News, the Church is aware that words are not enough; that you still need the witness of life. And above all, catechesis by those who already believe is carried out not only with words, but also with signs. Yes, this is the whole rich catechesis flowing from the liturgy, in which not only words but also gestures are important; it is a real mystagogy, introducing a mystery.
Perhaps in the hussle and bussle of life, we have already lost some of the ability to read signs; perhaps, while we are good at reading various icons and road signs, we get lost when it comes to the signs concerning faith; in prayer, liturgy. Perhaps we are too used to them and they do not bring us the content that is contained in them. This series is the answer to this loss (possible loss). We will try – in words, and how – to explain the meaning of the signs. Not only those strictly liturgical, but broadly understood signs of faith related to faith. So that what may have already been covered with patina and dust regains a new shine.

And since the signs carry so much content that it is difficult to put everything into words, we will leave a place at the end of each text for anyone to add themselves what was missing in the text.

Let’s start with the sign with which we start so much – the sign of the cross . . .

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