Sixth Friday of Eastertide – Acts 18:9-18; John 16:20-23

It’s confusion all around. The turmoil in the background, some coercion and chaos. And the peace of heart is required of us believers. Just as with Paul: supported by God’s instruction he taught in Corinth, and when he was suddenly accused, it was the proconsul’s reluctance to interfere in religious disputes “about words and names” that allowed him to avoid a court sentence. It’s as if the disturbance didn’t affect him, as if everything worked in his favour.

I don’t know if we are able, like the apostle, to trust God’s word and do what we have to do. Being close to people and their affairs (read: not expecting special protection), but also letting yourself be led (read: trusting that all circumstances are under God’s authority).

Fear overwhelms, limits, orders silence. Faith: listens to God, proclaims God, serves God. Under any circumstances.

Lord Jesus, look upon me when I pray that my heart will rejoice and that no one will deprive me of this joy. Amen.