2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19; Ps 40:2,4,7-10; 1 Cor 6:13-15,17-20; John 1:35-42

This is the greatest miracle: God became Man. You can look at this truth many times throughout your life, and never comprehend it. Because it’s the kind of truth that cannot be understood but must be practiced.

God – Jesus, becoming Man, became human. With all its disadvantages. He felt hungry, tired, exhausted from His long journey in the land of Israel. He suffered from cold and heat. But also, thanks to His body, He could experience as a Child the tender touch of His loving Mother’s arms and protection from a tumble thanks to the caring hands of Saint Joseph. He could feel the closeness of another person, the joy of a welcome hug, the pleasure of a good meal, etc., etc.

Jesus as a Man, thanks to His body, showed how to put into practice love for another person. Because love is never a theory. Love is a practice, it is an action, it is a work.

It is rising from sleep to serve someone who calls.

It means respecting your own body and letting it be prey to your own or other people’s various desires.

The body makes it possible to show love to another person, following the example of Jesus, who invited others to meet Him, to stay, to talk, to exchange glances, to get to know each other more deeply.

The body also allows you to sacrifice yourself for another person, to offer yourself. Without the body we could do nothing.

Thanks be to God for becoming Man and thus sanctifying the human body!