Friday of Week 20 – Ez 37:1-14; Psalm 106:2-9; Matthew 22:34-40
On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets also.
It seems our daily evaluation and view of the world, other people – ourselves as well – requires some criterion. God calls us to love Him. But in what manner is this love found present in the world? How to reveal it in the world? It’s by loving the other person with whom God identifies Himself.
And specifically? To love my neighbour is to want only good for them, which is both a desire and an expectation. Therefore, it’s the elimination of all forms of hostility, aggression, indifference and hatred which is the way that leads to loving God and being a witness of belonging to Christ. Otherwise, it’s fiction and all talk from which no specific good comes.
Lord Jesus Christ, today I accept Your commandment as the way of my life. Let the greatest commandment – the commandment of love – be my greatest promise. You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.