Monday of Week 28 – Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1; Ps 113:41,43-45,47-48; Luke 11:29-32
When Christ freed us, he meant us to remain free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. Gal 4
One of the paths leading to freedom is to notice God’s presence. It is to show gratitude to God for being constantly with us, also for lifting us from our weaknesses. Are we able to notice His action in simple, everyday moments?
Every day, as we take on our commitments, we may feel overwhelmed by various “bondages” of duties, fears, other people’s expectations, and even our own weaknesses. Saint Paul reminds us that as children of God we are free in Christ. This does not mean the freedom to do everything, but to live in freedom for love, peace, and joy. Therefore, it is worth considering what limits us and whether we really live as free people – free from the pressures of this world, from sin, and from fears. Do our actions flow from the freedom that God gives us? Do we find time for a prayer of thanksgiving in which we praise God for His love and care, for the fact that we can give Him what enslaves us?